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The Conservative Voice of Fayette County, Texas

 Please join the Fayette County Republican Women for our February General Meeting featuring Ms. Bonnie Wallace.

Ms. Wallace is working to remove sexual books from Texas libraries.  She has made protecting children her life's work.  See more about Ms. Wallace and the work she is doing by clicking on the next several links.


Real Texans interview with Bonnie Wallace

Texans Protest Pornographic Books at Houston ISD Board Meeting


Texas Library Association To Teach Librarians How To Protect Obscene Books

February 19th
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Frisch Auf! Country Club, LaGrange, TX

This event is FREE.  Lunch is available for $ 20.


Upcoming Events!

Saturday, January 25th

ABC's of Leadership

Sponsored by Texas Federation of Republican Women


AgriLife Building
255 Svoboda Lane
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Check-in begins at 8:30

$15 includes a light Breakfast & Lunch .

Please RSVP to

Tuesday, January 28th

The Texan 89th Session Kickoff

Texas Public Policy Foundation
Austin, TX

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Registration is required

Click here to register

If you decide to go, please notify Cindy Wingo.  Members will car pool.

Saturday, February 1st
SD 18 Northeast Counties Meeting
Who, What, Where & Why!
Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities
Come learn from the experts.
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Christian Faith Church 620 S. Front Street (Hwy 36), Bellville

Lunch & Snacks will be provided.
Please let Cindy Wingo know if you can come.  We will carpool!

Board of Directors with Commissioner Sid Miller

Hello Conservative Friends,

Welcome to 2025!

Meet your new Executive Board of Directors!

(left to right)

Kathryn Geesaman, Vice President/Programs

Cindy Wingo, President

Diane Petras, PAC Treasurer

Ellen Brumback, Secretary

The good looking fella in the middle is the Texas Agricultural Commissioner, Sid Miller.

Join us today!

Your Friends,

The Fayette County Republican Women

Follow Us on Facebook

Supporting Conservative Causes Since 2001

The Fayette County Republican Women is an affiliated Club of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and
National Federation of Republican Women.

Fayette County Republican Women works closely with the
Fayette County Republican Party