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Turn off Main Street Media and stay informed with alternate sources!  Hear the real news!  Here are a few suggestions.

True the Vote

Click here to go to the website. A leader in the effort to ensure free and fair elections in America. 


Dedicated to providing readers with fact-based news regarding issues, policies, elected officials, and campaigns, The Texan is the alternative to the narratives and spin that are so pervasive in news media today.



Real News for Real Texans

Click here to go to the website.


Texas Gun Rights seeks to inform gun owners and liberty activists in Texas of their candidate’s positions on firearms issues. 


America First Policy Institute exists to advance policies that put the American people first. Our guiding principles are liberty, free enterprise, national greatness, American military superiority, foreign-policy engagement in the American interest, and the primacy of American workers, families, and communities in all we do. Website

Christians Engaged

    Pray, Vote, Engage


Prager U
Think Better, Live Better

Click here to to to website

In the spirit of the original Texians who valiantly defended their families, their lands, and their liberties, True Texas Project exists to educate and motivate citizen engagement in all levels of government.
Click here to learn more about this incredible organization

Join the Fight for America's Future:
Our Country Depends on it.
Have you heard about Project 2025? Join now!

American Stewards of Liberty is a non-profit organization working to protect private property rights and the liberties they secure.

We challenge the policies that seek to undermine American’s ability to produce the food, fiber, energy, and minerals our nation needs. We confront the radical environmental movement, which believes the administrative state, not individuals, should determine how people use their land.